LEGAL NOTICE: We, Consilatio Ltd, hereby inform all our clients that we do not cooperate with any Company or entity that pretends that it is co-operator or agent or representative of our Company through any internet website, B2B web pages or even a similar to our Company's email.
For this and in any question, comment as well as fault or fraud communication you may receive from any entity that has not the appropriate credentials, we kindly ask you to immediately report this to us by email at Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
Furthermore we inform all our clients that no entity (employer, official or Director of our Company) out of the official shareholders and/or the Managing Director of the Company has the authority and the legal right to sign/stamp any document and/or to commit our Company legal and/or finance with its signature and with Company's seal unless this entity has a legal prototype authorization and instructions letter with specific permissions and specific time validity to act on behalf of us which authorization must have been issued on its name or on its Company's name and must have been dully signed and stamped by the Managing Director of the Company and has been affirmed by the legal department of the Company. Feel free to contact us at any given moment if you have any doubt.
Our Company is not responsible if you have been or your will be a victim of any fraud deal or any commitment from any entity that does not have the affirmed credentials and the authorization from our Company to deal with you.